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Cancer Screening

Home   Health Check Package Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion, and sometimes metastasis. Cancer may affect people at all ages, and the risk for most varieties increases with age. Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Most of the cancers are fatal; therefore early detection is very important in curing cancers.

Liver Cancer Health Check

Liver Cancer Health Check

Price : HK$1,880

Liver cancer is the second most common cancer in Hong Kong. Liver cancer kills many people every year. Therefore it is necessary to take a liver cancer health check. A liver cancer health check can help you find out if there is any risk of liver cancer, and if the liver cancer health check shows signs of liver cancer, you should turn to the doctor immediately for medical help.

Physical Health Check:

Health Questionnaire
Body weight and height
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Body Mass Index


Blood Test

1 Liver Function (SGOT, SGPT, GGT, Alk. Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Albumin)

To detect hepatitis or hepatic failure and cirrhosis due to drug and alcohol.



Tumour marker for Liver Cancer

3 Hepatitis B Antigen



Ultrasound for Upper Abdomen
To detect disease of liver, gall bladder and spleen



Optional Liver Cancer Health Check Items:


CT Scanning - Upper Abdomen P+C 

Gastrointestinal Cancer

Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening

Price : HK$2,080

Gastrointestinal Cancer is the second most common cancer in Hong Kong. Symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer are blood in stool, change in bowel habit, loss of weight, and anaemia. If symptoms above are presented, you need to take a gastrointestinal cancer screening and then seek help from the doctor.


Physical Health Check:

Health Questionnaire
Body weight and height
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Body Mass Index

Blood Test:

1 Complete Blood Picture

To detect anaemia, leukaemia, infection and haematological disease.



Tumour marker for Colon Cancer


3 CA19.9

Tumour marker for Pancreatic Cancer


4 CA 72.4

Tumour marker for Stomach Cancer


Breath Test for Helicobacter Pylori


Stool Occult Blood

To detect for bleeding from colon.



Optional Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening Items:


Colonoscopy  $6,600


Gastroscopy  $4,200


Tissue Biopsy $1000~$3000


Polypectomy  $1,000

Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical Cancer Screening

Price : HK$1,580

Cervical cancer is actually a mutation in the cells of the cervix. There are no special symptoms. Some people may experience bleeding and inflammation. The number of people suffering from cervical cancer is 14.4 per 100,000 people. Among the diseases of the female reproductive system, the number of patients is second only to breast cancer, with about 500 new cases every year. Women must pay attention to cervical cancer screening, because cervical cancer screening is of great significance for screening cervical cancer.

Physical Check-up

Health Questionnaire
Body Weight and Height
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Body Mass Index


Blood Test:

  • Ovarian Cancer Antigen (CA125)

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin B (Beta HCG)



Include glucose, protein, red blood and white blood cellTo detect diabetes, renal disease, urinary tract infection

Urine C & ST (MSU)

Gynaecological Examination:

Breast Examination
Pelvic Examination
To detect cervical cancer

Ultrasound Examination(choose one)

Ultrasound Breasts

       To screen for disease of breast e.g cancer and cyst

Ultrasound for Pelvis

       To detect disease of ovary and uterus

Prostate Cancer Check Up

Prostate Cancer Check Up

Price : HK$1,580

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate. Prostate cancer may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms. However those symptoms are present only in an advanced stage of the disease. Therefore it is necessary for men to take a prostate cancer health check. A prostate cancer health check can help you find out if there is any risk of prostate cancer, and if the prostate cancer health check shows signs of prostate cancer, you should turn to the doctor immediately for medical help.

Physical Check-up:

Health Questionnaire
Body weight and height
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Body Mass Index


Prostate Examination:
Flow Rate

Maximum Flow Rate

Residual Urine  


To detect hypocontractile bladder and Benign Prostate Hypertrophy


Blood Test

1 Renal Function (Creatinine, Urea, Electrolyte - Na, K, Cl)

To detect renal failure that might be due to renal stone, urinary tract infection, diabetes or hypertension.


2 Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Tumour marker for Prostate Cancer

Urine Test



Ultrasound for Prostate

To detect Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer


X-ray of KUB

To dectect any renal stone

Cancer Marker Profile

Cancer Marker Profile

Cancer feels like an incurable disease to many people, but with the advancement of science, many cancers that are detected at an early stage can be completely cured. The key is to detect it early. The cancer index obtained after the cancer index check is that some special substances are produced by cancer cells or the human body in response to the presence of cancer. Due to the low sensitivity and specificity of some cancer indicators, it may not be possible to detect early cancer; or because some benign conditions can cause cancer indicators to rise, causing unnecessary panic. Therefore, the interpretation of cancer index test results needs to cooperate with the subject's symptoms , medical records and cooperative examinations. (For example, Biopsy can improve the sensitivity and specificity of cancer index inspection, so as to make a more accurate

diagnosis. Generally speaking, cancer indicators are used to track the treatment effect or recurrence chance of cancer patients.)

Physical Check-up for Cancer Index Checkup:


AFP                                                  $300

CEA                                                  $300

CA 15.3                                           $380

CA 19.9                                           $380

CA125                                             $380   

CA 72.4                                           $580

EBV                                                  $350

BETA-HCG                                    $300                          

SCC                                                  $400                

PSA                                                   $380

Optional cancer index check:

$1000    10% off
$2000   15% off
$3000   20% off

Cancer Marker Profile
Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening
Prostate Cancer Check Up
Liver Cancer Health Check
Cervical Cancer Screening
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